Sample Job Description for Bus Driver

Given below is a sample job description for the position of Bus Driver:

Job Description

The job of a bus driver is of technical nature that includes regular routes operations, charters and private carriage. In addition, the driver also provides assessment to the passengers with baggage and may also collect tickets or fares.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Check thoroughly every necessary and minor tool such as the lights, gas and tires, etc.
  • Performing all the maintenance workups in a routine just to make sure that all parts are working efficiently.
  • Select specific routes and tracks at particular times so as to avoid getting stuck especially during the rush hours.
  • Inform every incident and delay.
  • Give high priority to passengers’ comfort.

Skills and Qualities:

  • Give full attention towards what is being said to him and understand the points frequently.
  • Easily observe the gauges, dials or the other indicators to make sure that the machine is in order and working properly.
  • Candidate should be able to understand the written sentences and paragraphs in work regarding documents.
  • Should be able to control and monitor all the operations and functioning of the equipment.
  • Must be aware about the preciousness of time.
  • The individual should communicate with others in an efficient and sophisticated manner
  • The candidate must be aware of the fact that this job is a service oriented job which means that, the individual must be looking forward to help others.
  • Must have good near vision i.e. to observe things at closer range
  • The individual should be a good perceiver which means that, the individual must be good in judging near and far objects or the distance between the object and him.
  • The individual must be a good respondent i.e. to response quickly at the time of need.