Welfare Officer Job Description Sample

Here is a sample job description template for the position of Welfare Officer:

Company: _____________________

Job Title: Welfare Officer

Location of the Job: Charlottesville, OR 7412

Job Type: Full Time Employee

Job Description:

Education welfare officers work with children, parents, carers, schools and other agencies to promote regular school attendance, deal with absenteeism and help children and young people at risk of exclusion.

Position Requirements:

  • Be interested in young people and their problems.
  • Be prepared to give evidence in courts
  • Be able to keep accurate records
  • Be able to analyze problems
  • Keep up to date with relevant laws
  • Appreciate the value of education
  • Be able to build trusting relationships with pupils and their parents and caretakers

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To examine grievances voiced by the dock workers in respect of welfare facilities and other amenities;
  • To ensure adequate supervision of the amenities provided, especially as regards canteens, rest rooms, washing and toilet facilities and drinking water;
  • To ensure fulfillment on the part of the port authority, dock labor board or firm of obligations under the provisions of these regulations and maintaining a liaison with the inspector;
  • To make sure that the available welfare facilities provided under the regulation or otherwise are being properly maintained and utilized.
  • To ascertain what further welfare facilities are needed, how best they can be provided and make suggestions for their establishment;

Salary: 10,000.​00 – 15,000.​00 /​year

Contact Information:

[Contact Person]

Phone: ______________________

Fax: ________________________

E-mail: ______________________